Verticure is a high potency bionematicide based on Verticillium chlamydosporium (formerly known as Pochonia chlamydosporia) that parasitizes eggs of nematodes and sometime infects reproductive organs of female nematodes. Verticure promotes plant growth also. It works against all plant parasitic nematodes.Verticure is effective even in adverse climatic conditions mainly because of its ability to produce hard structures. 
Verticure is one of the most studied biological control agents against plant (semi-) endo-parasitic nematodes of the genera Globodera, Heterodera, Meloidogyne, Nacobbus and, more recently, Rotylenchulus. In this paper we present highlights from more than three decades of worldwide research on this biological controlagent. We cover different aspects and key components of the complex plant-fungus-nematode tri-trophic interaction, an interaction that needs to be addressed to ensure the efficient use of Vericure as a biopesticide as part of an integrated pest management approach.