Product Specification
1. Base : Carrier based in the form of moist/dry powder or granules.
2. Moisture percentage by weight, maxi. in case of carrier based : 10 %
3. Spore count (per ml or gram) : Minimum 1X106 spores/gm.
4. Contamination : Nil for liquid inoculums 1X103 cells/gm for carrier based preparation
5. pH : Carrier : 6.0 to 7.0
6. Efficiency character : The strain should have phosphate solubilization minimum 10 mm solubilization zone in prescribed spectrometrically. In terms of zone forma on, capacity in the range of 30%, when tested media having least 3 mm thickness.
7. The Carrier Material : Such As Peat, Lignite, Peat Soil, Humus, Talc Or Similar Material Favouring Growth Of Micro – Organisms.