Method of Application and Dosage
Soil drenching : Take 30 ml Cefone Graviti in 15 lit water and drench around rhizosphere zone of plants.
Application in Nurseries : 500 ml of Cefone classic Graviti mixed with 10 kg dried FYM and broadcasted in the nursery area required for an acre of main field.
Seedling Root Dip : 500 ml of Cefone Graviti in 40 litres of water and dip the seedling roots for 10 to 20 minutes before transplantation.
Soil Application : 1 lit of Cefone Graviti with 100 kg dried FYM and broadcast to 1 acre.
Drip : Apply 1 lit of Cefone Graviti along with 200-400 lit of water per acre.
Product Speciality
Cefone Graviti is a consortium of 3 different strains of Glomas intraradices having adaptability to perform in different conditions such as : Drought + Waterlogged Soils + Adverse Soils.
Product Advantages
Reduction in chemical fertilizers.
Promotion of plant growth.
Improvement in soil fertility and texture.
Crop roots’ induction, moisture conservation in root zone.
Improvement in quality of the produces and increase in crop yields.
Cefone Graviti contains living organisms and is sensitive to chemical fungicides and botanical pesticides. It is synergistic and gives complementary results, if applied with organic fertilizers, manures, composts and other biofertilizers