Method of Application and Dosage
Foliar Spray : 5 gm. of INFINITE® CAN in 1 litre water in major crops.
Drip Irrigation : Mix 5 Kg. of INFINITE® CAN in 150 -200 lit. of water and drench the soil in 1 acre.
Soil application : Mix 5 - 10 Kg. INFINITE® CAN per acre in 50 Kg of well decomposed FYM / compost / Vermi compost or soil of the field. Broadcast at the time of field preparation and in the standing crop twice in the cropping season. In Horticultural crops it should be broadcasted in the root active zone.
Horticulture / Vegetable crops : Mix 5 Kg. INFINITE® CAN in 500 lit .of water and drench the soil near the root zone up to 15 - 20 cm depth for collar rot control with high volume sprayer without Nozzler or big Nozzler
Product Speciality
Fully water-soluble
Consists of 100% plant nutrients
Free of chloride, sodium and other detrimental elements for plants
Safe for plants and humans: has a moderately low pH and low salt index.
Finest Free-Flowing Microgranulation.
Offers a High-Quality, Cost-Effective Solution for Safeguarding & Optimizing Both Yield & Quality of Crops.
Product Advantages
prevents cracking of Fruits and Vegetables
Improve the quality & Increases Size of fruit.
Increase resistance power of crop.
Influences cell division & elongation
Reduces the cost of cultivation..
Increases crop yield.
Target Crops
Cotton Banana Papaya Sugarcane Cereals Pomegranate Oil Seeds Tea Vegetables Tobacco
Pulses Spices Grapes Coffee
Cefone INFINITE® Calcium Nitrate is compatible with urea, Ammonium nitrate, Potassium nitrate, Potassium chloride. Calcium Nitrate is Not compatible with most water-soluble fertilizers, if the system includes only one tank, apply the fertilizers at different times.